14th May 2017 was the centenary of the birth of William Thomas “Bill” Tutte and to celebrate this a number of events, listed below, took place during the year.
May 2017
- 5th May – Tutte’s 100th Distinguished Lectures Series, University of Waterloo. Speaker: Gerald Cornuejols
- 11th May – Triple Bill – Bill Tutte Centenary Event at The National Museum of Computing
- 12th May – Six Lectures Marking the Centenary of W. T. Tutte, The Reform Club, Pall Mall.
- 12th May – ‘William Tutte Way’ Naming Celebration, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Waterloo
- 12th May – Tutte’s 100th Distinguished Lectures Series, University of Waterloo. Speaker: Michael Goemans
- 14th May – Plaque unveiling at birth place of Bill Tutte – Fitzroy House, Newmarket
- 14th May – Bill Tutte Centenary Symposium at Bletchley Park – An event to mark the formal opening of The Bill Tutte Exhibition; celebrating the life and accomplishments of Bill Tutte, on what would have been his 100th Birthday

Speakers at the Bill Tutte Centenary Symposium, from left to right Tony Comer (GCHQ Historian), Claire Butterfield (Bill Tutte Memorial Fund), David Kenyon (Bletchley Park Research Historian), Iain Standen (CEO Bletchley Park), Sir John Scarlett (Chairman of the Bletchley Park Trustees), Gordon Corera (BBC Security Correspondent) and David Bedford (Keele University)
- 19th May – Tutte’s 100th Distinguished Lectures Series, University of Waterloo. Speaker: James Oxley
- 23rd May – Bill Tutte Centenary Celebration (for Primary Schools),Tattersalls Sale Ring, Newmarket. Speaker: Kjartan Poskitt
- 23rd May – Bill Tutte Club Centenary Talk, Newmarket Academy. Speaker: Kjartan Poskitt
- 24th May – Bill Tutte Centenary Celebration (for Newmarket Academy and members of the public), Memorial Hall, Newmarket (13:00-15:00). Speaker: Kjartan Poskitt
- 26th May – Tutte’s 100th Distinguished Lectures Series, University of Waterloo. Speaker: Julia Chuzhoy
The song ‘Unsung Hero’ has been especially written by Newmarket singer-songwriter Louise Eatock for the Centenary Celebration on May 23rd. The song is intended to tell Bill Tutte’s story in a way that will inspire children and encourage them to celebrate his achievements.
June 2017
- 2nd June – Tutte’s 100th Distinguished Lectures Series, University of Waterloo. Speaker: Richard Stanley
- 9th June – Tutte’s 100th Distinguished Lectures Series, University of Waterloo. Speaker: Fan Chung Graham
- 16th June – Tutte’s 100th Distinguished Lectures Series, University of Waterloo. Speaker: Gilles Brassard
- 23rd June – Tutte’s 100th Distinguished Lectures Series, University of Waterloo. Speaker: Friedrich Eisenbrand
- 30th June – Tutte’s 100th Distinguished Lectures Series, University of Waterloo. Speaker: Satoru Iwata
July 2017
- 3rd to 7th – July Professor Graham Farr will be giving a special lecture on Bill Tutte at the 25th British Combinatorial Conference (BCC)
- 7th July – Tutte’s 100th Distinguished Lectures Series, University of Waterloo. Speaker: Carsten Thomassen
- 14th July – Tutte’s 100th Distinguished Lectures Series, University of Waterloo. Speaker: Mike Molloy
- 21st July –Tutte’s 100th Distinguished Lectures Series, University of Waterloo. Speaker: Maria Chudnovsky
- 28th July – Tutte’s 100th Distinguished Lectures Series, University of Waterloo. Speaker: Noga Alon
August 2017
- 4th August – Tutte’s 100th Distinguished Lectures Series, University of Waterloo. Speaker: Adrian S.Lewis
- 11th August – Tutte’s 100th Distinguished Lectures Series, University of Waterloo. Speaker: Arkadi Nemirovski
- 18th August – Tutte’s 100th Distinguished Lectures Series, University of Waterloo. Speaker: George E. Andrews
September 2017
- 25th September – Bill Tutte Centenary Celebration, Discrete Mathematics Research Group, Monash University
November 2017
- 26th November to 2nd December – Tutte Centenary Retreat will be held at The Mathematical Research Institute MATRIX
December 2017
- 4th -9th December – Bill Tutte will feature in the programme of the 5th International Combinatorics Conference (5ICC)
- 5th December – Making links and breaking codes:A public lecture to celebrate the centenary of mathematician Bill Tutte
Speaker: Professor Graham Farr, Faculty of Information Technology @ Monash University.