The Memorial lies at the very heart of our educational programme. Due to Harry Gray’s innovative design, it is itself an intriguing educational tool, and its prominent position, close to the new Home of Horseracing National Heritage Centre, means that it will reach out to visitors to the town as well as local residents.
We are happy to arrange talks about Bill Tutte, and we have developed a ‘Bill Tutte Walk’ to inform the public about Bill Tutte within the context of the Newmarket Air Raid of 1941.
Please Contact Us for further details.
Inspiring young children
Our aim is that every child in Newmarket will learn who Bill Tutte was. The Memorial is intended to draw them in, right from the moment when, as toddlers, they are set down on the ‘squared square’ so that they can ‘see’ the face of Bill Tutte. We hope that every child in KS1 will visit the Memorial and start to learn the story which lies behind it.

Posters designed by Y4 at All Saints CEVA Primary School
We know that individual teachers will find many creative ways to use the Bill Tutte story, as it lends itself to so many areas of the curriculum:
- Maths (problem solving, codes, geometry)
- English (narration, evaluation of different viewpoints)
- Computing (data representation, algorithms)
- History (local history, in combination with the Newmarket Air Raid)
- Art and Design (see right).
- PHSE (the story of Bill Tutte’s own education and his determination)
Click here and look at the bottom right to see another way of introducing children to Bill Tutte.
Schools will also be able to book a school talk, or a guided walk which explores Bill Tutte’ s contribution to WW2 while discovering the sites where bombs fell in the Newmarket Air Raid.
You can download a sample of a Year 4 Lesson Plan; you may also like to visit the ‘Resources for Students and Teachers’ on the Bletchey Park website.
We would love to hear what your class has learnt through Bill Tutte!
Bill Tutte Club
The Bill Tutte Club is an exciting opportunity for children from Years 5, 6, 7 and 8 who love Maths and Science. It meets once a month on a Wednesday at Newmarket College, from 4-6pm, and is free and open to all children in the Newmarket area.
It aims to encourage children to explore STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) in a friendly, informal environment, guided by two experienced qualified teachers. Please come and join us, or contact us at
This initiative is supported by Newmarket Town Council.
Bill Tutte Alborada Trust Scholarship
The Bill Tutte Alborada Trust Scholarship is open to outstanding candidates from Newmarket and the surrounding area who wish to study Mathematics or Computer Science at university.
It is generously supported by the Alborada Trust, with valued contributions from the Newmarket Festival and other local donors.